Abstract Submission Process

The PSA 2024 ASC Abstract Submission Process has now closed.

Applicants who submitted a paper will be notified of their outcome on Monday 17 June.


Any PSA ASC abstract-related queries, please email [email protected]

Terms & Conditions

Please read the associated terms and conditions before submitting your paper as these are the terms you are accepting during the submission process. 


All papers submitted during the advertised submission period will have their research considered for the following (in person only – virtual is not possible):


  • Category A: Fellow/Consultant – Eight (8)-minute presentation time + two (2) minute Q&A
  • Category B: Trainee/SIMG – Six (6)-minute presentation time + two (2) minute Q&A
  • Category C: Junior Doctor/Medical Student – Four (4)-minute presentation time + two (2) minute Q&A

Please note, the above outlined presentation + question/answer times are subject to change

Quick Shot Poster

  • Papers selected for a poster presentation will have their poster on display for the duration of the event (where possible)
  • Papers selected for a poster presentation are required to participate in the ‘Quick Shot Poster Round’ consisting of a maximum two-minute presentation / one slide overview of their research during an assigned period (date/time TBA)

Jim Pryor Begonia Prize

Please note we are not accepting abstracts for the Jim Pryor Begonia Prize session.  

Jim Pryor Begonia Prize will take place during in the program, and offers an opportunity for delegates put forward their innovative idea/research (minus abstract submission process), capped at four (4) minutes, aligned to the following:

  • Surgically innovative
  • .. How to perform some tricky surgical manoeuvres quickly and easily without fail
  • .. “You heard it first at the PSA”

Further details will be communicated in the lead-up to the PSA 2024 ASC


  • Applicants who are successfully chosen to present their research – verbal or poster – must register and attend in person to either present a podium or poster presentation
  • If you are not available to attend in person, do not submit a paper

Jim Pryor Begonia Prize

This year’s James ‘Jim’ Pryor Begonia Session will be held in conjunction with a ‘Pubs of Toowoomba Tour – details as follows:

  • Thursday 05 September
  • From approx. 16:00

Pubs of Toowoomba

The Jim Pryor Begonia Session will be held on board the bus as it makes it way around iconic pubs of Toowoomba. The session will be free-form as has always been the case, and delegates with submissions will be invited to present throughout the tour before it finishes at Muller Bros for the PSA Trivia night.

What is the Jim Pryor Begonia Session? 

The Jim Pryor Begonia Prize is an open forum where delegates are invited to put forward their unique research or idea in line with the following fundamentals:

  • Surgically innovative
  • .. How to perform some tricky surgical manoeuvres quickly and easily without fail
  • .. “You heard it first at the PSA”

Things to Note

  1. Places will be limited (one bus)
  2. If you have an idea that you want to present during the session, please email [email protected] with details so we can keep a spot for you. Please include a brief overview
  3. You must have a ticket for the Trivia Night in order to attend
  4. Further details on how to join the tour will be available closer to the date