Registration Fees
Registration is available for surgeons, clinicians, general practitioners, trainees, SIMGs, junior doctors, medical/university students, and allied health professionals.
Registration Inclusions
Registration Package – Scientific Program & Social Events
- Registering for this package includes three day Scientific Program registration PLUS one ticket to each of the three social dinners
- Please note that social event tickets are limited, so if you are not planning to attend one-or-more of the dinners, please register for the Scientific Program package instead, and purchase individual social program tickets as required
Registration Package – Scientific Program Only
- Registering for this package includes the three day Scientific Program only
- Please select this package if you are unable to attend all three social dinners
- You are welcome to purchase social dinner tickets separately, including tickets for accompanying guests
Associates’ Package
- Registering for this package includes one ticket to each of the associates’ activities PLUS one ticket to each of the three social dinners
Single Tickets
- The Scientific Program by day, workshops, social dinners and Associates’ activities are all available to purchase as single ticket options
*Early bird registration closes MONDAY 05 AUGUST